Monday, August 29, 2011

Personal Blog ... Stardate ...

It seems that I'm not very good at keeping the blogs updated.  Too busy with other things.  IBI has much of my attention with teaching and administration.  But I am encouraged by what God is doing through the school.  Even if we are just the trail blazzers of this new format, I can see it's potential.  We had a busy summer, with camp, the EBA, and now IBI.  And on top of that, my responsibilities as a husband, father, and pastor.  I'm thankful that God has allowed me the privilege of being involved in His Kingdom work by pastoring one of His churches.  I am also thankful that all my children are involved in serving Him.  My son-in-law, Andy and my daughter, Amanda were accepted as AWBE missionaries to Togo, Africa.  That means that their children, (our Grandchildren) will be going with them.   They haven't left yet and already I'm missing them!  But God is in Control.  He has seen fit to call them to that field and I can only be thankful that they, willingly and submissively, have obeyed that call. 

Jonathan and Kristine are still serving as part of a church planting team in Washington, PA.  We've been informed that they are now expecting their third child.  That will make our fifth grandchild!  I am thankful for their service as well, and pray that God continues to bless their efforts.

Tim is doing well and seems to be recovering nicely.  He has been able to taste food now, although he states that his taste isn't quite normal yet.  He's seeking God's will for his life in ministry and we are praying that God will open that door and show him clearly the direction He needs to take.  He's planning on getting married, but that date is not yet set.  Pray for both Tim and Tamara as they seek God's direction for their lives. 

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