Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Family Time

It was good to see Jonathan and Kristine at Thanksgiving, and Amanda and Andy just this week. I miss them all, but I'm proud of each of my children. Tim's got a new job for which we're thankful. I'm looking forward to seeing the family in the next few days. We'll be heading out for Arkansas to visit with extended family there and spend time with them. Cathy and I are also looking forward toward the trip in March when we will get to hold our first grandchild. We're praying for all our children and their families and loved ones.

Please keep the ministries of LBC in your prayers. IBI and MTL could use additional monthly support and prayer partners. God's been good to us and we've been blessed and are blessed to be a part of His kingdom work.

God's Gift...

I'm a scrooge at Christmas. That's strange for a pastor to say I guess, but the fact is, I think the holiday has become too commercial. Materialism and capitalism have taken over. Each year the fervor over this holiday is about the bottom line, rather than the simple message I believe it should convey. To me, the meaning of Christmas isn't shopping or fighting to get the sale items. (Cathy and I actually went to try to get in on the "fun" after Thanksgiving Day) Stores begin to gear up for "Black Friday" and what they hope is a good holiday season that will result in a good final quarter. The news is buzzing with speculations and prognostication about the prospective mood and spending mind-set of the American people. Topping it all off, Christian Radio reports that Chicago is banning the new movie on the Birth of Jesus due to open in December because it might offend non-Christians. Christmas is all about the birth of Christ. It is offensive to see it monopolized into a commercial venture or banned because of it's message in the religious and political world's arena. Therefore, I'm sure to some people my attitude and angst during the holidays because of how they have devolved and denigrated, makes me a scrooge.

Christmas is about a manger and the miracle of Christ's birth as well as His message and mission. This is true whether society, politicians, educators or pundits who are non-believers might say or attempt to do to discredit, dissuade or divert from the psyche of society. God incarnate in the Person of Christ. The birth that came that first "Christmas Day" was God's gift to the world. Not just the birth of Christ, but what it would lead to; the Cross. Jesus came in order to die on the Cross for our sins. But the Christmas story doesn't end there. There's also the empty tomb, proof that victory has been won over sin, death and the grave. It is His victory and He extends it to each and every one. That to me would make a great holiday display; a cradle, a cross, an empty grave and a crown; all the work and purpose of Christ. That's Christmas; God's gift to man and it is indeed, good tiding of great joy to all people. May the Peace of Christ, the Prince of Peace, impact your heart and our world this Christmas.

Thursday, November 30, 2006


It's been an interesting couple of weeks filled with valleys and mountain high experiences. Sounds like life. God, as always is working to accomplish His purposes. As His children, our desire should be to discern where God is working, where we fit into that work, and get busy. That's easy to say and hard to do. There are times I don't know where or why God is leading. It is only in hindsight that we get clarity. Sometimes it never comes and has to wait until we get to ask Him about it face to face. And who knows, perhaps then it won't be that big a deal. But still, it makes for an interesting life. Life lived by faith is like that; full of peaks and valleys and sudden suppresses that are not at all what we expected. But in all of it, I'm amazed and awed that God has not only saved me but included me in His Kingdom Plan and Purpose.

The One on One mentoring ministry is going well. As I'd hoped, some who met last year are branching out on their own to mentor another man this year. I hope others will join us. I've really enjoyed our focus and the accountability.

IBI is going well and we are in our final approach to finals and the winter break. We have new students enrolled for the spring, but we still need to make headway with financial supporters and partners.

Jack Story and MTL could also use more in the area of monthly support. But that ministry is going well, and Jack is staying busy. I'm sure that his hard work on deputation over the last two months will pay off.

MBSF may be moving to a new night. We have an opportunity to move to an off campus site that will hopefully facilitate more interest and boost attendance. I'm encouraged to see church members stretch beyond their comfort zones and embrace ministries and responsibilities to be used in the Kingdom of God. I marvel as I watch them grow in grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ.

AWANA ministries are going well, and attendance has held steady. I believe that we will see more families and children impacted for Christ through this ministry.

I'm also excited about what is going on in Indiana and what it will mean for Indiana Missions. I'm wanting to see LBC more involved and engaged in this area. I think that our church is poised to make an impact not just in our state, but in our region of the country. I hope you'll pray for us as we seek God's direction and leading.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Just thoughts...

As I reflect upon all that I have in Christ and all He has given me in this life, I stand in humble awe of Him. There is so much I have for which to praise Him. My sermon this week speaks to that simple fact. we so often fail to reflect on the awesome priviledge we have to represent our Lord here in this world. When we are presented with opportunity to serve or be a witness, we cop out. There just isn't any rational reason for it. Paul, in prison was bowled over by the fact that God had found him faithful to put him in the ministry. Ministry is a service, and I fear to few are answering the call.

On a separate note, I am asking all to pray for the ministries at LBC. Although all is well, we could use more fincial supporters to partner with us. This is especially true of our school and of MTL. Both Nicky and Jack are faithful men who are worthy of support. I am blessed to have such men I can call friend.

I'm kinda bumbed with the fact that Thanksgiving for us isn't going to include all the family. This year's holidays are going to find us spread over the country. But then, we have much to be thankful for. I'm thankful for the beautiful wife God has given me. It wasn't enough to save me; He also provided the wife He knew would complete me. He also added to my blessings by calling me into pastoral ministry. Too often we focus on the negatives rather than accentuate the positives. I think it because we walk by faith and not by sight. That takes us right out of our comfort zones and self dependencies and puts us squarely leaning and trusting in God. So when things don't add up, or we wonder just how He's going to put it all together, we just need to stay the course. Of course, I have great faith in God and His ability. My faith in people often gets tested and wavers :O) But God is able to do above all we ask or think... and all I can think is what next Lord, what now? Where are you leading us as a church? What endeavor do we undertake for your glory? The last thing I want is to become complacent and satisfied that we've done all we can or that we're maxed out. I don't think for a minute that we can say that. I want to passionately pursue Christ, and be the man, husband, pastor, father and friend I can be for the honor and glory of Christ. After all, He loved me and gave all He had for me. It's the least any of us can do to give our best in return.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

4 Kristine

I haven't blogged in some time, and my daughter-in-law has made it known. So I've dedicated this blog to her. Things are busy and going well at the church. We're excited about our granddaughter's arrival, and at the prospect of being grandparents. I'm not sure about the plot to figure out how I'm to be addressed by the grandchildren. My son, ever the comedian thought "grampy" might be the course to travess. When I asked for clarification he stated, "It's the closest to grumpy." I'm not sure grampy is the way to go, even if grumpy does seem to fit! I know that it will all work out in the end, so I'll leave it to the grandkids to decide.

Please continue to pray for all of my children. Mandy came up to visit for the weekend. It sure was good to see her. I wish that Andy could've come up too, but perhaps during the holidays. Tim's in school and at home. I'm praying that God will help him to find his place and purpose with regard to occupation and educational pursuit. Perhaps it would be better to pray that God give me wisdom to advice and council as oppossed to irritate and infurriate him by all my questions and prodding.

All is well. As usual, God is good. He's blessed so much in our lives and ministries. I pray that God will continue to bless us as we seek to serve Him in the place where He has put us to serve.

Monday, June 12, 2006

Ah Summer...

Summer for most is a busy time with work, but also relaxation and vacation. For Pastor's and churches its one of the most busiest time of the year. It is especially busy for the pastor and his family. We've come back from vacation to do the normal thing people do when they are out of pocket for a week; catch up on things that piled up while we were away. I had to finish final counseling as well as preparation for a wedding. That meant rehearsal one night followed by the actual wedding the next evening. Saturday meant a men's meeting in the morning with the ordination of our Missionary, Brent Rosendal that afternoon. I was thankful Brent was there to share the work and bring the message on Sunday morning. VBS starts today. Next week leave for the national meeting. I have visits and calls to make on the church family. There are sermons to prepare and reports that need my personal attention. Added to this is the administrative responsibility that I need to stay on top of for family camp that is upcoming, and also IBIOTAM. As I reflect upon the appointments before me, it is easy to see how pastors can loose sight of the priority of ministry and service. It isn't in the bragging rights of full calendars or appointments, nor the importance of our position and responsibilities. It is at times like this that we need to go to Calvary's cross and reflect quietly and reverently at the love of God. The demands of the ministry and its responsibilities can cloud our vision and mar the relationship that we are to have with our Lord. I pray that in the midst of the busy lives we lead, we will slow down to appreciate the love and sacrifice He made by spending time with Him in His presence and Word.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Time off...

Well, we're back from a much needed vacation. I know that time off is something we all need, and I tend to not pay much attention to that need. But Cathy and I needed time away to relax and just take it easy. I appreciate so much the love she has for me and the sacrifices she's made.

It was such a joy to see Jonathan and Kristine in Little Rock. It was also good to see Mandy and Andy as well. They drove down to spend time with us and the rest of the family. We got to see old friends at one of the churches I pastored years ago. We also saw old friends from Alabama who had come to Little Rock to spend time with one of their sons who's on staff at the church Jonathan and Kristine attends. I marvel at the opportunity God has given us to impact the lives of people. I pray only that the impact be a postive one for Christ. We also got to see how God is blessing the church Cathy and her family attending when we first met. God is richly blessing that church and her pastor. Cathy's nephew is quite the ball player. We finally got to see him play. I did spend some time with my mom in Little Rock and got to see the flag memorial and honorarium her church hosts for service men and women. It was awesome. We had the opportunity to spend a little more time with her on our return trip, but failed to see my sisters. Confict of schedules seemed to be at work. I did get to talk to one of my sisters, and promised her we would try to get together on our next trip down.

I tried valiantly to not do anything concerning my responsibilities at Landmark. Other were filling the gap. I didn't know just how much I needed to get away and defuse. The time away was too short, and we came back to hit the ground running to a busy week and month.

The school is still no schedule to begin this August. God is blessing, and too often we're to busy to notice or anxious to appreciate all that He is doing. In life and in ministry, we need to keep our focus upon Him as well as upon the loving relationships He has placed in our lives. Lord, help me to take more time to appreciate all You have given me in my life. My precious wife who has faithfully served and sacrificed. Help me to be the Husband and friend to her that she needs and deserves. Thank you for my wonderful children that are active in church and ministry as well as Andy and Kristine who are also committed Christians and active in Your Kingdom service. Help me to make the transition of Father at home, to Father friend as they leave our nest. Thank you for family and friends who love and support us. Help me to be an encourager to them as well; to edify them and equip them to serve You for Your honor and glory. May you help me to remember to keep my relationship to You a priority in my life as well as my relationship to Cathy and the children You have blessed our union with. Help me to remember too that we're called to love and serve one another. Thanks for the priviledge of allowing me to serve as a Pastor of one of your churches. In my life and ministry that You've given me, may You be honored and glorified. Thanks for loving me... for saving me... for giving my life meaning and purpose. Help me not to take for granted any of these things you've blessed me with but rather to cherish and nourish them all. In Jesus name...

Tuesday, May 02, 2006


It's been some time since my last blog. Between hospital visits, school preparation, meetings and pastoral responsibilities, things have been rather intense. The church is doing well, and we've had several visitors. We fell shy of our average goal for April, but then we had several out with sickness or out of town. One of our couples is taking on the burdena and vision for our teens and outreach. I've put them in touch with the leadership in that department. It's great to have mentoring couples desiring to be involved with the teens, as well as get them involved in outreach and looking beyond themselves.

Things are progressing well with the school. Finalization is coming together, and the prospects are promising. I am awed by the hand of God in this as He brings men and churches on board.

Everyone in the family is doing well. We pray for their continued health and well being as well as their involvement and fruitfulness in God's Kingdom work.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Why am I so tense?

I woke this morning with a pounding headache. I've been dealing with it for a couple of days and nothing I take seems to work. I've seriously got to consider going back to the doctor if it doesn't ease up soon. But why am I so tense. As I rehearsed the weekend and the week to come, it seems that I grab hold of the negatives and cling to them. Ever notice that when you grab weights you sink? That's why we are commanded to rejoice in the Lord and think on what soever things are true, honest, just, pure, lovely and of a good report. No where in that list does it command me to dwell on the negatives and embrace the weights. It is amazing how much God has done for us and is doing for us in Christ. And yet I find that I tend to accentuate the negative and forget the positive. Part of it has to do with taking my eyes off of Christ and focusing on what this one said or did, or on this problem and situation, or that deadline or mission. I stop looking at being Christ-centered and become self-focused and centered. And I'm not alone. God's people tend to reflect on the wrong things and the wrong one, themselves. May God help me to dwell in Him and live for Him. May I commit myself to the doing of the Word and not just the hearing of it. May I show a willingness to embrace the cost and take up my cross, and in the doing of that, enjoy the liberty and peace that Jesus gives me.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006


Well it has been awhile since I've last posted. I've been busy with pastoral tasks and trying to keep up with my studies. I've been impressed by the success of the mentoring program of One and One. The men who have signed on to that minsitry have been an encouragement to me. I know that they've sharpened me and helped me to stay on task and focused. I'm also working with a young man in our church who has captured the vision cast for a college ministry here in the Anderson area. Thus far they are averaging about 8 students. I know that God will continue to bless that effort. I meet with him as well in a leadership mentorship geared toward college age adults.

I'm excited about the work being done to get the school up and going. It has been hard at times to juggle the schedule to keep things going. The school project is consuming more time than I'd care to admit, but it's groundbreaking for our church and for me personally. I'm watching as God brings the team together. I'm excited as we draw closer to our first year this coming fall. Check out the link to the school on the right.

Our series on the family is on Sunday mornings. We've had an awesome time looking at the roles and relationship God plans and purposes for the family. I'm also excited about our "Kingdom Heart" series on Wednesday night. In our services last week, we took two opportunities to count the various ministries at Landmark. Between children's ministries, women and mens ministries, missions, mentoring, and music ministries there about twenty. That included grounds and maintenance ministries essential to the operation of a church facility. I'm awed at all God has done and is doing at LBC. I'm looking with excitement and anticipation at what the future holds for this great church.

Saturday, January 28, 2006


I've sat down to try to gather myself from this morning's activities. I am in awe of the way God is moving in the hearts of our men. Soo too in the heart of my son-in-law, Andy Justison. It thrills me to see God working through them, as they for Christ sake, attempt to impact their world for God's glory. Many have stepped up, and others who have been steady serve as examples of encouragement. Too often we spend time, wasted time reflecting on the negative rather than accentuating the positive. We have men in our fellowship hungry to learn more of God, to go deeper into their devotion and service. We're quickly trying to find a place for them to get busy for the Lord. One of the men asked we remember he and his wife in prayer as they will be visiting family today who are lost. May God use them to touch hearts with His message of love and hope! We had our first Men's Breakfast in quiet awhile. I was pleased with the number of men who chose to come and take part. I was also thankful for Ross who has taken on the responsibility of leading the coordination effort for this fellowship and ministry. As I looked upon the men, some there when I started as pastor, faithful men who have stood the course of time and trouble, I was drawn to say a prayer of thanks for them. I appreciate their loyalty. I also saw new faces God has brought to our men's group. These new faces are also exhibiting love and loyalty to Christ and a heart to serve. I am deeply appreciative of Nicky and Beverly Barnett, Brent and Tawm Rosendal and Jack and Pat Story. The first two couples were led to us as God moved us to step out and become their endorsing and sending church. Jack and Pat were raised from within our fellowship to take on the MTL support ministry. I appreciate Jack's willingness to see a need and think outside the box. God has truly blessed; and I'm sitting back reflecting on this and more, and am drawn to stand quietly in awe of Him and all He is doing.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Just Thoughts

I apologize for not having posted something in awhile. We've been sick and busy with ministry and familial responsibilities. I marvel at the opportunities God has given me as a pastor, and us as a church to serve Him and our fellowman. As of this writing work on the Indiana Baptist Institute of Theology is going well. Now that we are settled on a name and the govening body, comes the work of articulating our vision and purpose succintly. We also need to clearly define the course description, work on the final two years and define and layout the criteria for students and staff. We are still looking at a target date for starting this fall.

Our involvement with the school has brought me to the place where I feel it necessary to go forward with my education as well and get my Doctorate. Pray that I'll keep the motivation in that pursuit, as well as show wisdom in time management.

I'm excited for Mandy and Andy who are going to be going with the MacMed team to Bolivia. Jack and Pat Story are also going from our church. David Story their son has moved to Morgantown, West Virginia to be worship leader at a mission church there. He's a great talent and will be a great asset to the two men who are working with that mission work. David is also going to be involved with City Reach there in Morgantown as well as the event hosted in Texas. It's awesome to see God working in his life. So too in the lives of many others I have the privilege to pastor. Derek has taken on the vision for a college ministry. I'm enjoying working with the multifaceted aspects of mentoring men and seeing them embracing and engaging in the work at our church.

Well, I've got to get back to studying over the lesson for tonight's class.

Monday, January 02, 2006

Home for the Holidays

Well I finally caught up with my family in Arkansas. Cathy and Tim went on ahead and stayed with Mandy, our daughter and her husband, Andy in Evansville. They then drove down to Arkansas to be with our families there. I stayed behind because a family was dealing with the loss of a mother, grandmother and friend. This lady was a member of our church and is now in glory. We pray for her family as they deal with her loss.

On Saturday I left for the airport. (Thanks Mark for the ride and the strategy session in route and thanks also to Jack (MTL) for the quick work in getting a flight for me!) I arrived on Saturday where Jonathan picked me up at the airport along with his friend David. We had a quick lunch, picked up Kristine and left Little Rock for Prescott. After the 1 and 1/2 hour drive to Prescott and a nap on my part, we arrived to celebrate our Christmas get together with Cathy's sisters and family. Sunday morning we were at church with her mom and sisters and met their new pastor, Brother John Nations. I've heard great things about the work God is doing through him and that church. Then it was off to my sister Karen's where after a very brief hug and hello, we left to see my mom. She showed us the new house they are hoping to buy. Then we went to her home in Little Rock. After the opening of presents and madatory hugs and well wishes, we left for home. Rather than drive straight through which would have taken us all night arriving home at 5:00 am, we stopped to catch a few hours sleep at Mandy's and Andy's home. They too were driving back from the rounds for Christmas. We arrived home today amid wind, rain and weather warnings. Mandy called later and said that after we left there was a small earthquake in her area. No damage or injuries to report just a little shaken. :0)

Tired and readying for bed, I have a full week coming up at the office. Many calls and appointments to make, plans for the school and catching up with friends and associates I haven't talked to in a while. God Bless!