Thursday, January 14, 2010

Catching up...

As I reflect upon all that God has given me; all the blessings as well as opportunities to grow and serve, I conclude that I am blessed.  I have seen God working in the hearts of people who are facing hardships and coming out the stronger for it in their faith and commitment to Jesus Christ.  It's awesome to be a part of God's kingdom work, and I look forward not with trepidation, but with anticipation of what this new year holds.  For Cathy and me, it is coming to know our granddaughters more and watching them grow.  Is is also being introduced to our grandson who is soon to arrive.  Truly I am blessed.  I pray for my children and grandchildren.  I pray too for our nation and her leaders.  But most of all I pray that I and the church I pastor will glorify God and represent Him in this world with integrity of love, truth and service.