Friday, November 25, 2005

Friends and Holidays

Cathy, Tim and I enjoyed our Thanksgiving this year with Adam and Rebecca Johnson. Adam is our newest staff member at LBC. He's been such a blessing as has Becca and God is using them in our worship service. Adam is Director of Music. It's awesome to see God working in the lives of His people at LBC. Our Thanksgiving was spent reflecting upon family, building new friendships and memories with an eye to future blessings and promise. I did rather well staying to my diet. The turkey was great as was all the food God provided for our meal. The only thing that could have made it better was the presence of Mandy and Andy and Jonathan and Kristine. We are going to look forward to seeing them at Christmas. In the meantime, we count our many blessings. Second to the salvation God provided me in Christ is the blessing of a loving and loyal wife. Indeed Cathy is my helpmeet and friend in life and in ministry.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005


Sunday was tough in that Cathy and I waited for news. We awoke to the news of the devastation in Evansville. That's where our daughter and her husband live. My heart goes out to the families who have suffered the loss of loved ones as well as to those who've suffered material loss as well. We were relieved to hear that our loved ones were ok. I appreciated the concern of my church family and friends who called asking about Mandy and Andy. They are safe and sustained no damage to any of their belongings.

This is just one more thing for which I must give praise and thanks to God. I am thankful that I'm saved, forgiven and have a home in heaven. I am thankful for a loving wife and for my children who are serving the Lord faithfully. I am humbled and awed at God's blessing and calling upon my life. What an awesome God we serve!