Monday, October 26, 2009

Feeling Better... Thanks for Praying

I have the privilege of pastoring a great group of people who love the Lord and have been supportive friends over the years.  Yesterday was a day that was a blessing.  Although still recovering from a bug, I went to services prepared to preach.  The people had prepared a lunch for pastor appreciation day.  Inspite of not feeling good, the love and support of God's people warmed my heart.  I appreciate the love, expressions of support and gifts.  I'm feeling better... not 100% yet... but am busy getting things done for classes tomorrow.  I continue to marvel at God's blessings and grace toward me; not just through Cathy and the kids, but my extended family at Landmark.  I thank God for each of you... and pray that God will continue to bless our church and efforts as we work for Him.

Saturday, October 24, 2009


I am awed at the fact that God has blessed me as He has.  I'm thankful for a wife who is supportive; a strong Christian woman who is my partner in life and ministry.  I'm thankful too that my children are saved and in service to the Lord.  I have a great son-in-law and daughter-in-law who are saved and committed Christians as well.  God has blessed Cathy and me with two wonderful grand-daughters and a grandson we've yet to meet.  (He's expected to make his entrance in January 2010.)  As richly as God has blessed, I find I'm also much in prayer for them; for their continued commitment to Christ; for their health and safety; for their future.  Truly God has blessed me far beyond my expectations.  I pray that He will continue to bless them as well as the ministries of each of us.  My desire is that through my life, and that of my family, God might be honored, and the Kingdom magnified in them and through them and me.  I serve a great and awesome God... what a privilege!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Into the 21st century

We've discovered the video cam for family time.  We've had the capability for a while but not necessarily the motivation... that is until grandkids.  We get to see the family with realtime video.  It was need to see Nora and see her reactions to our voices.  It is also a way that missionaries are able to keep up with their families.  But seeing isn't the same as being there.  And when you see the smiling face of your loved one, it isn't like getting to hug them... at least so says Cathy, and she's right; but it's more than just a phone call especially when one of them can't really carry on a conversation.

Monday, October 05, 2009

They're Here!

Well, Jonathan, Kristine and Niah are in transit in the move to Pennsylvania.  In the meantime, they will be staying with us this month as they visit churches on deputation.  We are praying that there will be a growing list of monthly supporters for them, and that their house sells back in Arkansas.  The good news is that there was a bid finally on the house.  We're praying that it can be worked out.  We know that God is in control, and appreciate your prayers.  In the meantime, Memaw and Poppy are enjoying their company and the opportunity to spend time with Niah.

On another note, we had the webcam set up and got to see Andy and Nora.  It was such fun to watch Niah and Nora react to each other on the webcam.  I have a feeling that Cathy will be learning how to use the webcam and Skype so that she can see all her grandchildren live...

Friday, September 25, 2009

Friend Day

I'm praying for our Sunday Services and outreach into the community. I'm praying that we can see souls saved this weekend or through our follow up efforts. The world needs to understand our lost condition. God's love and mercy prompted Him to move and satisfy in Himself, all that was needed in order to bring us to Himself. That's just what Jesus did. He mediates for us and brings us to Himself by means of the cross. His death was an attonement for our sins. On the basis of that sacrifice, we can find forgiveness and redemption. Because of His resurrection we are justified and cleansed; presented before God covered and uncondemned. This doesn't happen by merrit on our part, but by the finished work of Christ upon the Cross and His resurrection. All praise then goes to God; He alone is King of Kings and Lord of Lords. And we who have trusted and committed ourselves to Him will oneday stand before His presence and lift our voice in Praise!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Update on Nora

Mandy, Andy and Nora went to a consult at Riley Hospital a few weeks ago. I thought I had done the update already... sorry. Nora does not have to have surgery at this time. The probability is that she will at some point down the road. Please continue to keep her in your prayers. She is having problems sleeping through the nights right now so remember Mandy and Andy too. Thanks again for the prayers for our granddaughter. We appreciate and are humbled by your kindnesses.


This week, I heard of a fellow pastor who just heard that he has cancer. His son, at the age of 45, passed away suddenly from a heartattack leaving a loving wife and three children. The youngest is a senior in Highschool. I heard just today that the wife of a young pastor in our state lost her dad suddenly. The frailty of the human condition is evident all around us. The curse of sin upon Adam's race is clearly seen and heard everwhere we turn. What is amazing is that God took pity upon us, and sent His Son, Jesus to be our sin sacrfice. Jesus paid the price for our forgiveness and redemption. Through Him we have access into God's presence, eternal life, and a hope that stands even in the midst of difficult life storms. His resurrection insures the sureity of our redemption. In life there will be troubles. But Jesus is the overcomer. In Him we are more than conquerors!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Heart Thoughts

The reality of each new day is that it brings us closer to day when Jesus Christ will return. Several events will unfold prior to this. There will be apathy and contention towards Christianity and the Jews. The vestiges of these are already present. The attempt to erase any reference to God has ramped up in our society. Praying in public if you are a school official, coach is now apparantly criminal. The government is trying to regulate conscience and freedom of speech. There are things said, spoken and writen, that I find offensive. Some of those things and positions are even funded with tax dollars. I perceive a dangerous trend toward the intrusion of those in power as to what can be said in a public forum such as a worship service. There is talk this week of a global currency to replace the dollar. Whatever the motive or final results of such talk, we know that the Bible speaks of a global economy. This places that economy under the power of a small group and eventually under one man. The events of the daily news ought to be a source of encouragement and excitement. Some of us react in anger. I do too. But it is an opportunity to live in a time like never before; to take our stand for Jesus Christ and be the witness to those who may be the generation that sees the coming KING. It's time to work, to stir our hearts and give voice to our witness. These are curious and exciting times. We can see them as discouraging; allowing ourselves to become despairing and full of angst. Or we can look to them as encouraging; allowing ourselves to look up with hope and expectation of our coming King. It is all on who you look at it. The New Testament saints most often saw the Second Coming as the source of encouragement and hope. Times will get hard, that's true. But Jesus is Coming Soon!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

It's a boy

We've heard from Jonathan. He called us all on a conference call to let us know that the newest addition to our family will be a... why spoil it. It isn't really my place to post this yet. You'll have to hear it from them.

Our prayers are with each of them as we celebrate God's love and mercy. Not only do we get to praise God for new life, but we've been called into His kingdom work by being in pastoral ministry. I'm so thankful for all that God has done for us; and is doing and will do in us and through us. Pray for them as they continue to raise funds to go to Pennsylvania and work there for the Lord. Pray too that their home in Bentonville, AR will sell quickly.

Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Nora's surgery

We appreciate all the prayers for Nora. The test run on Monday has shown that she needs surgery to correct the problem. Mandy, Andy and Nora will be going to Riley for a consult and then plan a date for the surgery. Please keep them in your prayers. We are thankful for all our friends and family who are lifting us up before the Lord.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Update on Nora

Nora is doing better, but is still, as of the writing of this post, in the hospital. I spoke with Andy today and he stated that she was feeling much better and upset that there wasn't anyone to play with her. Andy's a great dad and husband to Mandy. We love and appreciate him much. Suffice it to say that we are humbled by your prayers and friendship. Thanks to all for their outpouring of love. You have been used of God to touch our hearts.

Monday, August 24, 2009

The Travelers

Jonathan, Kristine and Niah flew to West Virginia to spend time at Inwood. They met with the church and had a great visit. My understanding is that they all endured the air travel well. We are praying for them as they travel, and as they present the work God has placed upon their hearts for Pennsylvania. We pray that they will find churches and individuals who will partner with them in their ministry to Washington, PA.

Praying for Nora and her Parents

Mandy called to let us know that they were taking Nora to the hospital. Andy had taken her to the doctor for a well physical she was scheduled for today. Nora was running a high fever and was very lethargic. They are running tests and have started her on medication. It appears she will spend at least tonight in the hospital in Evansville. Andy and Mandy will stay with her of course. We lift them all up before the Lord. Thanks to all the friends who have joined us in praying for Nora.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Bonding Time

It's a bit fuzzy, but I thought it was worth posting anyway. We were in Bloomington, Indiana for a wedding. Gwyn Hamrick, Mandy's Maid of Honor got married to Torrie Fodder. Nora's wearing a dress Mandy made from the remnant from her dress. The wedding was great, and we pray for the Bride and Groom. This picture was taken outside after the reception. We don't know why the picture was fuzzy, perhaps we were just tickled at the smile and couldn't contain ourselves. It was a great time of bonding with Nora. We took care of her while Mandy did her Matron of Honor thing for Gwyn. All in all it was a good weekend.

Sunday, August 09, 2009

EBA Meeting

Pictured here is the first ever Indiana State Choir. LBC hosted this year's EBA meeting and it was a huge success. We had great fellowship and workshops as well as messages that encouraged and challenged us. I find that this meeting is one of the best associational meetings you can attend. I appreciate all the hard work on the part of the members of LBC who went above and beyond as hosts. The choir too was a big hit and we hope to be able to do something together again soon.

Saturday, August 01, 2009

Cathy and I had the opportunity to go down to Terra Haute, Indiana and visit with Mandy, Nora and Cathy's sister, Beverly. The ladies shopped while I spent time with Nora. All in all it was a great time. This was taken at lunch. Nora slept, we ate. It was good to see everyone and spend some time with family. You can see the love Cathy has for Nora... two beautiful ladies!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Introducing Nora Brielle Justison

We welcome God's newest gift and blessing to our family. Both Mandy and Nora are doing well. Nora weighed 7 lbs. and was 21 1/2 inches long. We praise God for her young life. She has already touched our hearts and filled them with love. More pictures will be forthcoming as we get them to the computer and uploaded. We are praying for Nora even now; bathing and surrounding her with our prayers for her parents, grandparents as well as for her future life, place and purpose in God's Kingdom. We are very blessed and full of awe at God's blessings toward our family.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009


I'm at the hospital with Cathy waiting for the birth of our newest grandchild. No we don't know if it's a boy or a girl. No we don't know the name they have chosen. Mandy and Andy chose to keep the name as a surprise. We do know that it will not be a name that starts with "a" or rhymes with Mandy or Andy. Jonathan and Tim are heading in from the ABA meeting in Springfield, Missouri. They should be in tonight. Jon is the camp speaker next week, and we look forward to some quality time with them and Niah. (not necessarily in that order).

I appreciate all that God has given us as a family, and take time to reflect on all His blessings. I have a loving and loyal wife, God's gift to me in order to share my life with. We have three great children who are saved and active in serving the Lord. We have a beautiful granddaughter who loves Poppy; and now we are patiently waiting for our introduction to the newest member of our growing family. God has truly blessed. We pray for Mandy and Andy as they raise their gift from God; and we pray for our grandchild. May he/she honor God with his/her life and fulfill His purpose through him/her.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Ready and Waiting

Cathy and I have our things set aside and ready to go. All we are waiting for now is a call from Mandy or Andy saying that it's time to make our way to Evansville for the birth of our grandchild. It has been awesome watching Mandy and Andy during this time of excited anticipation. I believe that they will make wonderful godly parents. I've already been praying that God give them wisdom in raising this child with the reverence and respect for God. I'm praying for the salvation of this child and his or her impact in the world for the Kingdom of God. We're on hold... just waiting... is that the phone?

Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Family Time

Jonathan, Kristine and Niah came through Indiana. They called and we met them in Indy for a short visit together. It was good to see them and enjoy some family time. Jonathan feels that God is opening the doors for a ministry opportunity in Washington, Pennsylvania. We ask that you make this a matter of prayer. They still have to sell their house in Arkansas and finalize things there before their move. We know that God is in control, so we are trusting Him to lead and guide.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Ok Already....

I've heard you! I know that I'm not keeping up to date with the blog. Much has happened over the past few months. I'm trying to move our church and school websites over to a new server that will enable us to do more with the sites. This is more for the school than the church, but it requires that I read up on html and try to implement things in my spare time.

We at LBC have hired another part time staff. David Slone is our new associate pastor and will be over the youth and children's ministries at the church. He will assist as well in other areas when needed. Both David and his wife Sarah will be an asset to the church and her ministries here. Mikey, their son, has already captured the hearts of the church and thinks his new pastor rocks!

The family is doing ok. Jonathan is dealing with pastoral issues that are an issue of prayer. These tests will make him a stronger leader and test his motivation and priorities. Mandy is due in June, a week before the EBA Family camp. Jonathan is the speaker for the camp this year. We will continue to try to keep everyone updated. Please continue to keep us before the Lord in prayer.