Thursday, June 25, 2009

Introducing Nora Brielle Justison

We welcome God's newest gift and blessing to our family. Both Mandy and Nora are doing well. Nora weighed 7 lbs. and was 21 1/2 inches long. We praise God for her young life. She has already touched our hearts and filled them with love. More pictures will be forthcoming as we get them to the computer and uploaded. We are praying for Nora even now; bathing and surrounding her with our prayers for her parents, grandparents as well as for her future life, place and purpose in God's Kingdom. We are very blessed and full of awe at God's blessings toward our family.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009


I'm at the hospital with Cathy waiting for the birth of our newest grandchild. No we don't know if it's a boy or a girl. No we don't know the name they have chosen. Mandy and Andy chose to keep the name as a surprise. We do know that it will not be a name that starts with "a" or rhymes with Mandy or Andy. Jonathan and Tim are heading in from the ABA meeting in Springfield, Missouri. They should be in tonight. Jon is the camp speaker next week, and we look forward to some quality time with them and Niah. (not necessarily in that order).

I appreciate all that God has given us as a family, and take time to reflect on all His blessings. I have a loving and loyal wife, God's gift to me in order to share my life with. We have three great children who are saved and active in serving the Lord. We have a beautiful granddaughter who loves Poppy; and now we are patiently waiting for our introduction to the newest member of our growing family. God has truly blessed. We pray for Mandy and Andy as they raise their gift from God; and we pray for our grandchild. May he/she honor God with his/her life and fulfill His purpose through him/her.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Ready and Waiting

Cathy and I have our things set aside and ready to go. All we are waiting for now is a call from Mandy or Andy saying that it's time to make our way to Evansville for the birth of our grandchild. It has been awesome watching Mandy and Andy during this time of excited anticipation. I believe that they will make wonderful godly parents. I've already been praying that God give them wisdom in raising this child with the reverence and respect for God. I'm praying for the salvation of this child and his or her impact in the world for the Kingdom of God. We're on hold... just waiting... is that the phone?

Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Family Time

Jonathan, Kristine and Niah came through Indiana. They called and we met them in Indy for a short visit together. It was good to see them and enjoy some family time. Jonathan feels that God is opening the doors for a ministry opportunity in Washington, Pennsylvania. We ask that you make this a matter of prayer. They still have to sell their house in Arkansas and finalize things there before their move. We know that God is in control, so we are trusting Him to lead and guide.