Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Family Time

It was good to see Jonathan and Kristine at Thanksgiving, and Amanda and Andy just this week. I miss them all, but I'm proud of each of my children. Tim's got a new job for which we're thankful. I'm looking forward to seeing the family in the next few days. We'll be heading out for Arkansas to visit with extended family there and spend time with them. Cathy and I are also looking forward toward the trip in March when we will get to hold our first grandchild. We're praying for all our children and their families and loved ones.

Please keep the ministries of LBC in your prayers. IBI and MTL could use additional monthly support and prayer partners. God's been good to us and we've been blessed and are blessed to be a part of His kingdom work.

God's Gift...

I'm a scrooge at Christmas. That's strange for a pastor to say I guess, but the fact is, I think the holiday has become too commercial. Materialism and capitalism have taken over. Each year the fervor over this holiday is about the bottom line, rather than the simple message I believe it should convey. To me, the meaning of Christmas isn't shopping or fighting to get the sale items. (Cathy and I actually went to try to get in on the "fun" after Thanksgiving Day) Stores begin to gear up for "Black Friday" and what they hope is a good holiday season that will result in a good final quarter. The news is buzzing with speculations and prognostication about the prospective mood and spending mind-set of the American people. Topping it all off, Christian Radio reports that Chicago is banning the new movie on the Birth of Jesus due to open in December because it might offend non-Christians. Christmas is all about the birth of Christ. It is offensive to see it monopolized into a commercial venture or banned because of it's message in the religious and political world's arena. Therefore, I'm sure to some people my attitude and angst during the holidays because of how they have devolved and denigrated, makes me a scrooge.

Christmas is about a manger and the miracle of Christ's birth as well as His message and mission. This is true whether society, politicians, educators or pundits who are non-believers might say or attempt to do to discredit, dissuade or divert from the psyche of society. God incarnate in the Person of Christ. The birth that came that first "Christmas Day" was God's gift to the world. Not just the birth of Christ, but what it would lead to; the Cross. Jesus came in order to die on the Cross for our sins. But the Christmas story doesn't end there. There's also the empty tomb, proof that victory has been won over sin, death and the grave. It is His victory and He extends it to each and every one. That to me would make a great holiday display; a cradle, a cross, an empty grave and a crown; all the work and purpose of Christ. That's Christmas; God's gift to man and it is indeed, good tiding of great joy to all people. May the Peace of Christ, the Prince of Peace, impact your heart and our world this Christmas.