Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Why am I so tense?

I woke this morning with a pounding headache. I've been dealing with it for a couple of days and nothing I take seems to work. I've seriously got to consider going back to the doctor if it doesn't ease up soon. But why am I so tense. As I rehearsed the weekend and the week to come, it seems that I grab hold of the negatives and cling to them. Ever notice that when you grab weights you sink? That's why we are commanded to rejoice in the Lord and think on what soever things are true, honest, just, pure, lovely and of a good report. No where in that list does it command me to dwell on the negatives and embrace the weights. It is amazing how much God has done for us and is doing for us in Christ. And yet I find that I tend to accentuate the negative and forget the positive. Part of it has to do with taking my eyes off of Christ and focusing on what this one said or did, or on this problem and situation, or that deadline or mission. I stop looking at being Christ-centered and become self-focused and centered. And I'm not alone. God's people tend to reflect on the wrong things and the wrong one, themselves. May God help me to dwell in Him and live for Him. May I commit myself to the doing of the Word and not just the hearing of it. May I show a willingness to embrace the cost and take up my cross, and in the doing of that, enjoy the liberty and peace that Jesus gives me.

1 comment:

andy said...

tense, intense, past, present, future. it could all be the epitome of you, but it might not be you at all. it might just depend on what tense you use.